Events that foster stewardship, sustainability and community.

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Gathering of the Eagles Benefit and Art Auction
to Apr 5

Gathering of the Eagles Benefit and Art Auction

The annual Gathering of the Eagles Canoe Journey will come to Orcas Island May 21-23! We look forward to the canoes arriving at the Olga Landing around 2 pm on Wed, May 21, followed by the community potluck around 5 pm at the Olga Community Club, in which we hope you will participate!

After the canoe pullers leave Orcas, they will paddle to the mainland and on to Bellingham. In order to raise funds for the mainland part of the journey, the Gathering of the Eagles organizer is holding an art auction benefit on each of the three major San Juan Islands. The Orcas event will be on Friday, April 4, from 5-7 pm at the Oddfellows Hall, and will include art from Native American artists as well as local artists.

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San Juan County Planning Commission

San Juan County Planning Commission

Stay informed and make your voice heard! The San Juan County Planning Commission meets regularly to discuss land use and policies that shape the future of the islands. Friends of the San Juans encourages community members to attend, listen in, and provide public testimony. Meetings are open to the public and your participation matters! 

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Compass Game — play to plan for climate action on Orcas!

Compass Game — play to plan for climate action on Orcas!

San Juan County is updating its Comprehensive Plan and adding a Climate Element for the first time. This is your chance to weigh in on local climate policy & action and help shape policies that will impact our islands for years to come. We need all voices to contribute to our Comp Plan processes.

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